Our network of engaged and committed women will not stop working for women’s reproductive health and the rights that protect it. Please join our network of like-minded women by being a part of our giving circle and to donating the organizations we have vetted and selected.

The States Project is a Political Action Committee (PAC) so your donation will not be tax deductible, but you will receive a recipt. WRRAPP donations are tax deductible. Your donation receipts will come from Grapevine.

Once you are in our network, you will receive periodic emails from us about our progress and, as part of our national giving circle, we’ll keep you in the loop with developments and also ways you can establish your own giving circle under our network. We’ll also send out information you need to take action in your own communities.


If you’re not in a position to make a donation, but are still passionate about the issue, there are more ways to connect and get active. Help us raise awareness by sharing your story with us, sharing our website with friends, mentioning us on your social media, or connecting with us to receive periodic updates on progress and important news from around the country. Please complete the form below.