We The Women is a national virtual giving circle. Our purpose is to provide practical assistance for women in need, and political support to move state legislatures from anti-abortion to pro-choice.

When the Supreme Court removed federal protections of reproductive rights, it gave state legislatures extraordinary power in determining the health and safety of women. We will support organizations that are moving the needle in the right direction.

The two national organizations that we have selected to partner with are The States Project and WRRAP (The Women’s Reproductive Rights Assistance Project).

WHY WE SUPPORT THE STATES PROJECT: The States Project is a political action committee focused solely on local state races. This is where much of the damage to women’s reproductive rights has occurred: In state after state passing more and more limitations on women’s rights over a period of decades. Ultimately culminating in where we are today.

States Project recognizes that it is legislative efforts in 50 statehouses that have the biggest influence on the lives of millions of people. And, once successful, often become boilerplate bills that go on to pass in scores of other states.

Flipping statehouses to Blue or holding the line to prevent rightwing majorities from gaining stronger footholds or supermajority status, is their sole focus. And they have been very successful.

Read about 2022 Results | Donate to The States Project Now

WHY WE SUPPORT WRRAP: A woman’s health shouldn’t be dependent on where she lives. WRRAP is dedicated to helping women find and fund the reproductive care that they need, including medical or surgical abortions.

They do this by providing funding to more than 700 doctors, clinics, and hospitals it has vetted in every state in the country.

In 2022, WRRAP funding totaling $1,049,205 assisted 6,010 women; 38 percent of those women had to travel from their home state.

Learn more about WRRAP | Donate to WRRAP now

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You, as an individual, could, of course, give directly to the organizations we support. But by being a part of We The Women, collectively we can have a much greater impact. If you want to understand more about the power of giving circles, we suggest you watch this video below.

Funding is our strategy, but building a community of women focusing on restoring this foundational right to all is the objective.

Together, we the women, can change the world.


We have also selected Grapevine, a national platform supporting giving circles, as our management system. Grapevine handles your donation, processing quarterly. We The Women receives NONE of your donation; all that you give goes directly to the beneficiary you choose.

When you join Grapevine, you are joining the We The Women Network.

You may give as often as you want through Grapevine. You can also start your own giving circle within We The Women and build local communities to raise funding, awareness, and participate locally in pro-choice advocacy.